Friday 6 October 2017

Chemical formulations: Sir Tristan Kilvert’s Wondrous Universal Antidote..

Chemical formulations:
Sir Tristan kilvert’s Wondrous
 universal antidote..

A Rare and Very Expensive Chemical Formulation, this small black pill has the ability to neutralise all poisonous substances!
Slowly distilled from a confection of magickal and chemical constituents, these Amazing Pills are the culmination of a lifetime’s work by this renown Natural Historian and Folklorist. With over two hundred, often almost indescribably rare ingredients, they are an absolute necessity for all those souls who feel that their occupation puts them in harm’s way by means of ingesting or imbibing toxic materials.
A very limited number of the pills are currently available but it is thought that production will increase shortly.

STOP PRESS:  There are indications that Sir Tristan Kilvert has disappeared from his Herefordshire home.His current whereabouts are unknown.

Cost: 15 weeks at,6,000 Florins (500c) per dose.
Effects: Neutralise all poisons
Duration: Instant

Host’s Notes:
When a Dramatic Character is suffering from possibly fatal poisoning by some liquid, food or gaseous vapour,  a dose of the Antidote may be administered. It must be done BEFORE the mortal death card has been drawn. If the card drawn is a Spade, the Antidote allows a second draw. If it is not a Spade, the Antidote has saved the person’s life, but if the second draw is also a Spade, the Antidote has failed and the Dramatic Character has perished regardless.

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