Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Tales from the Archives: The Original Adventure Entertainment - Chapter Nine.

Chapter nine.
the runaway train went over the hill.
In which Our Courageous Protagonists Speed South through France in pursuit of the Evil Count Di Rigatorri.

Dramatis Personae:
Katerina, Grafin (Countess) von Ulmfeld from Bavaria
Ruprecht , Ritter von Schlan, of the Austro-Hungarian Diplomatic Corps
Rittmeister (Captain)Maximillian von Ström, of the Austro-Hungarian Lancers
Frau Elsa Berg - An Austrian Nursing Sister of the Order of Cassandra
Captain Kenneth Campbell, of the British Black Watch regiment
Karl S. Bergman - An Austrian Explorer & student of Esoteric Orientalism

In recognition of his Splendid Work in saving the French Minister for Science, Jules Verne, Captain Campbell was appointed as an Equerry in the household of His Royal Highness, Albert, Prince of Wales. He was then sent to southern France to assist in preparations for a visit by the Prince. The Countess’s son, Erich, was taken into the Prince of Wales’s household as a page.

Leutnant Maximilian Von Ström was promoted to Rittmeister (Captain) and assigned permanently as a Military Attaché and Aide to the Diplomat Ruprecht, Ritter von Schlan.

Through diplomatic contacts, the Ritter had become aware that Cardinal di Rigatorri, brother of the Count .was possibly being blackmailed over his rather unwise personal activities. Apparently, a letters and compromising pictures existed which could destroy the Cardinal’s career.

The Ritter had also promised an old acquaintance,Karl Bergman (an explorer) access to certain Eastern manuscripts in the Papal Library so Karl joined the party for the journey.

Karl & Frau Berg visited the chapter house of the Eleusian Order with a blackmail note that the Cardinal had passed on to he Ritter. The Mages there cast an "Enhance Clue" spell and told them that the items they were looking for were hidden somewhere dark, dusty and tinged with death!

Our party set out by train, heading South in a private carriage. Whilst reading the newspaper on the train, Campbell spotted this! 

Excerpt from the Personal section of the “Personal”  section of the classified advertisements of the Paris Journal (English Edition) Tuesday 14th November 1871 - concerning Captain Campbell.

Despite its schedule, the train did not stop at next station or the following one! Fearing a problem with the driver, Campbell and Von Ström climbed along the outside towards engine to investigate.

Whilst manfully scaling the locomotive’s tender, Von Ström slipped and fell down towards the tracks! At the very last second, just before landing under the rushing wheels, he barely managed to gain a handhold and hang off underside of the first carriage. The injuries he received in close proximity to the railway sleepers ensured he could not take up his cavalry duties for a few weeks and required a new pair of trousers on reaching Marseilles.

Meanwhile, Ruprecht, checked his derringer was loaded, and headed towards the rear of the train and the guards’ van. When he got there, he found both guards dead with their throats slit!

The three men in the engine’s footplate spotted our two friends and one opened fire on them with a pistol. Campbell and Von Ström uncoupled the carriages from the engine to escape but the driver noticed and engine reversed back with its occupants firing at the pair!  

Campbell quickly returned fire and killed one of the train-nappers on his first shot! Leaning out of his carriage window to take aim, the Ritter was shot and received a flesh wound across ribs, he was more annoyed about it ruining one of his favourite waistcoats than the injury itself. Frau Berg, the nurse, tended to his needs.

The Countess von Ulmfeld drew her pistol and hit the driver in the arm as Von Ström clambered over the tender on the other side. He then leapt into the cab and finished him off with his sabre. Their third opponent in engine was swiftly captured but took poison before he could be questioned.

An examination of the bodies found no labels in their clothes but found several tattoos which the Police later informed the party indicated Mafia membership. This was the only clue that linked them to the Count di Rigatorri.

Von Ström managed to drive the train to next station where the Police were called and our party were hailed as heroes for preventing a heinous train robbery. After giving their story to the local Police, they were allowed to board another train and continued their journey to Marseilles to meet up with LeBrun.

Host’s notes:
This Chapter ran in Summer 1998.
Worthy of High Merit: Richard (Von Ström) for continuing his duties despite the splinters and actually succeeding in driving the train regardless of his poor helmsmanship.

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