Sunday, 22 April 2018

Host's Resources - Sound Effects

Host’s Resources -
Sound Effects

Just a quick post to let you know about new resource for background sound effects. 

 One of the ways often suggested to increase the in game experience is the use of different senses to explain a scene in the game. Prop documents and smells are easy to access and use. I have also employed sound effects of ship noises, storms and threatening beasties as atmospheric background in tabletop and LARP games. 

Usually I find them on Youtube and use a programme to save the sound only as an mp3 file. There are also some commercial gaming sound effects on sites like Drivetrhurpg but generally these have Lovecraft-based or science fiction themes.

Recently, the BBC set up a beta trial with free access to over 16,000 sound effects.  Some are purely studio effects but the majority are actual recordings from the BBC’s collections. There is an airship engine recording, lots of different steam train effects and a large range of horse and carriage sounds. There are also steam and sailing ship recordings, storms and street scenes from radio productions amongst the list. It is easy to search and quick to download.  The BBC collection can be found here. 

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